Risen Worth
By Anthony Casperson

A throne room filled with those loyal to the king. It’s a time of battle, the final battle. Victory on the horizon. And an artifact of immense power stands ready to be used. But only by one proved capable of cracking its seals.

“Who among us is worthy?” a voice calls out. Even the crickets dare not interrupt the silence. The gathered throng shuffle about, eyes darting to the floor when put in focus by any other.

Hope fades as despair sets in. Tears well up in the eyes of many in the room. “Is there none worthy?” Has all this been for nothing? Is there no one to bring an end to this millennia-long war? A search throughout the lands is about to be proclaimed, when a roar thunders behind the door. Trumpets sound a kingly entrance as the reverberations of the roar diminish. And when the door opens, in strides…a lamb.

Marks of slaughter grace the neck of the creature. Blood intermixes with the pure white of his wool. Once slain as sacrifice, he now stands with symbols of perfect power and insight.

Worthy, he enters.

A vacuum forms as the throne room gasps. Knees bend. Voices rise in praise. “You are worthy. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!”

The risen Lamb takes up the scroll, marching toward his joint throne with the King, his Father. The beginning of the final battle in this war that has lasted for millennia. The gathered throng falls in worship as the wax of the first seal breaks.

This image drawn from Revelation 5 might seem odd to some, considering that tomorrow is Resurrection Sunday. But the passage showcases quite well the victory of the cross.

Often, we look at Resurrection Sunday and are reminded of the sacrifice, the pain, the suffering. What it cost Jesus. We’re reminded of the price paid to make us right in the sight of God. We see the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus as it relates to our salvation.

But there’s more. The events surrounding the cross are not just a historical reality with theological significance for our present lives. The victory of the cross points to the fullness of the defeat of sin and death. Jesus didn’t just die in sacrifice for us. He rose in victory over sin and the death it brought into the world.

His slaughter and subsequent resurrection made him the only One worthy to destroy death itself. A victory unachievable without his blood spilt. Hope reinvigorated by the sound of flesh nailed to wood.

The victory of the cross should lead to our utmost praise of the Lamb of God who roars with authority. Bow before the One who receives all power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.

He is risen. He is worthy.